Open House Name * Voornaam Achternaam Artist Name Email * Address Postal code * Socials (insta@) Phone number When supporting talents, it is important to know where you are in your development. To do so, we have distinguished 4 different phases. Please select one! * Phase 1: You are still exploring yourself within a specific art form Phase 2: You already follow a number of (music) workshops and/or preparing for an education in the arts Phase 3: You have already started an art education/follow various workshops, but are still looking for your own style and (music) genre Phase 4: You have developed a solid foundation and still need guidance in the last steps towards professionalisation We also make a distinction between self-taught artists and talents who follow an education in the arts. Please select one option! I am self-taught I study or have studied at an art academy How would you best describe your music? Could you briefly tell us what you need? Thank you!