Our MUSIC EDUCATION program is broad and collaborative in essence. As such, we have partnerships with multiple academies and cultural or municipal institutions.

At the Herman Brood Music Academy we teach songwriting and vocal recording to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students.

At the Albeda International Event & Marketing Studies, we teach the subjects: Creative Profiling and Marketing. Since February 2023, House of Knowledge functions as an agency office for this specific department at Albeda. This means that we guide students during their internships and act as a point of contact for both the student and the internship company.

At Albeda international Business Studies, we facilitate Entrepreneurial Behavior. Through active education methods, we try to bridge the gab between professional and education field. We do this by implementing new trends and developments directly in the curriculum. In addition, we only work with teachers who are our peers and all subjects mentioned are in given in English.

At Albeda Muzikant Producer, we are responsible for the supporting the students’ practical experience, by supervising their internships and creating possibilities for their participation in live music programs.

House of knowledge also functions as an advisory body to challenge norms in the cultural sector. We share knowledge on disciplines and cultural codes that are typically known to have its origin in Black music, arts & culture and or often misunderstood by municipal institutions.