Another 4 years!

A few days ago, we got the long awaited news! House of Knowledge has received an extremly positive advice from the municipality of Rotterdam and will be part of Rotterdam’s cultural plan for the period of 2025 - 2028.

This was such a relief, because this meant/means, that we can continue doing what we’ve been doing for the past 6 years and will once again receive structural funding for at least 4 more years!

Just imagen the overwhelming joy we felt when we then, on top of that good news, received even more positive news from the FCP (Fonds voor Cultuur Participatie)! We will receive a 4-year grant from them which means our House of Knowledge will grow even more than we hoped it would.

Check out our advises:

Advise Commission Cultureplan / Advise Perennial Grants - Talent Development


We received a grant !